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*This Malaysia coronavirus update will be updated every week with the latest report. 

Malaysia Covid-19 in Numbers (as of January 1, 2024)

  • Total Number of Cases: 5,180,812

  • Total Number of Recovered Patients: 5,115,191

  • Total Number of Reported Deaths: 37,246

*Data lifted from the latest Wikipedia report and the CDC.

malaysia coronavirus update

What Is the Current COVID -19 Situation in Malaysia?

Putrajaya and Kuala Lumpur had an average of 84.7 and 35.4 confirmed cases of COVID-19 respectively per 100,000 people. Malaysia's COVID-19 cases are now decreasing, but there are still areas that are affected by the highly contagious variant of Omicron. Despite of this, they are now one of the countries that are dealing with the novel coronavirus.

All measures given by local officials progress at a fast rate and are normally implemented straight away. Authorities are likely to change or modify these measures depending on the progression of the outbreak. Officials still advise people to reschedule nonessential travel due to possible denial of entry until further positive developments.

Authorities advise all people to abide by the following course of action to reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection:

  • Make it a habit to clean hands by using soap and water or alcohol-based hand rub.
  • Cover mouth and nose with a tissue or a flexed elbow when sneezing and coughing. Dispose of immediately in designated trash bins, then wash hands.
  • Do not hesitate to call emergency services if experiencing cough, fever, difficulty in breathing, or respiratory illness symptoms, including pneumonia, before proceeding to a hospital to avoid the risk of spreading the virus.

Is It Safe to Travel to Malaysia Now?

Malaysia is famous for its attractive tourist spots and hospitable people. The country has magnificent landscapes, tropical rainforests, and lively cities. It is a beautiful sight to explore the colonial city of George Town, the vibrant city of Kuala Lumpur, and the beautiful beaches of Langwaki. 

Malaysia has now lowered their travel advice level and tourists can now exercise normal safety precautions. The country is again open to international tourism

. We've lowered the travel advice level. We now advise you exercise normal safety precautions. Malaysia has reopened to international tourism. Check entry requirements on the ‘My Safe Travel' website. These requirements may change at short notice. Monitor the websites of the Malaysian Department of Immigration, My Safe Travel and Malaysian Ministry of Health, and social media for any changes (see ‘Travel').

What are the Requirements if I Need to Travel to Malaysia?

All tourists are allowed to enter Malaysia and are not required to have pre-departure or on-arrival COVID-19 test. They are also not required to undergo quarantine when visiting the country.

Tourists should submit their MySejahtera application before they arrive to Malaysia, and declare their COVID-19 status during their stay in the country.

Travellers can download and activate the MySejahtera application before or after arrival to Malaysia to indicate their COVID-19 risk status while staying in Malaysia. The COVID-19 risk status in MySejahtera may be checked upon entering premises. Those who are COVID-19 positive will go to isolation for seven days through Home Surveillance Order. They can be released from isolation upon testing negative with an RTK Ag test with the supervision of a registered medical practitioner.

If you are a qualified foreign traveler, the Government of Malaysia imposes requirements before entering the country:

  • Download and complete the Indemnity and Undertaking Letter (LoU) and submit it to your country’s Malaysian Embassy / Consulate, and obtain your Travel Notice.
  • Send your Travel Notice to your travel agency.
  • Download and register your details to the MySejahtera mobile app before you travel to Malaysia.

Qualified foreign nationals need to have all the necessary entry approval acquired from relevant agencies/ministries such as the Immigration Department of Malaysia; Malaysia Healthcare Travel Council or Ministry of Education; Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, before flight check-in and boarding.

The Government of Malaysia developed the MySejahtera app to monitor its COVID-19 outbreak by allowing users to evaluate their health condition against COVID-19. The app gives the Ministry of Health the critical information for proper planning and execution in controlling the situation. The Government of Malaysia orders a mandatory for all travelers to download and activate the MySejahtera mobile app to enhance the Ministry of Health’s contact tracing success. 

The app is available for download from Apple App Store and Google Play Store for free.

General Advisory for Travel to Malaysia

The Health Ministry sent more healthcare personnel from different divisions and departments throughout the country to Sabah. The strategy is to conduct community surveillance and contact tracing by testing, finding, isolating, and treating all persons who tested positive for the virus. The government exerts its efforts to break the chain of spreading the virus and tighten the controls of its district borders.

In line with the Health Ministry’s efforts to help stop the spread of COVID-19, the application process for approval of entry and exit for foreigners and Malaysians is made smoother. Applicants may submit their applications through MyTravelPass on the Immigration Department’s official website. 

Applicants will have to wait for approximately five working days for the approval of their request. The approval for an applicant’s request must meet the categories through MyTravelPass:

  • Reciprocal Green Lane (RGL) pass
  • Spouse of a Malaysian or spouse of an individual with permanent residency pass, and for individuals with dependent visa applications
  • Periodic Commuting Arrangement (PCA) pass
  • Expatriates’ applications for entry
  • Foreign maids’ and temporary work visit applications pass.
  • Foreigners’ applications under Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H)

All applicants will receive their application results through email. Take note that the application is made more accessible, but the approval is not guaranteed.

Health Safety Hygiene in Malaysian Hotels

The Malaysian Associations of Hotels (MAH) launched a hygiene and safety label in the country as part of their fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. The country’s tourism industry suffered, and travelers lost their confidence in pursuing their travel to the country. The “Clean & Safe Malaysia” certification program is the country’s way of protecting people in the hotels and resorts industry, which is compliance with international standards and implements it under local regulatory requirements.

Hotels and resorts with the “Clean & Safe Malaysia” certification assure its guests of their protection against the virus through compliance with the appropriate safety and hygiene conditions. The management also attests to giving its employees safe working conditions. The Ministry of Tourism, Arts, and Culture of Malaysia supports this program as it provides both international and local tourists peace of mind using these hotels.

What Protocols To Observe Upon Entering Malaysia?

Malaysians will be able to enter the country even without acquiring the approval from the Department of Immigration Malaysia after exiting during the Recovery Movement Control Order (RMCO). This also includes locals coming from other countries that have Long-Term Pass Holders or entry restrictions.

The Government of Malaysia prohibits entry on individuals of countries that have more than 150,000 COVID-19 cases. The countries included in the list are Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Iran, and Iraq. The increasing number of COVID-19 cases also affects countries like Mexico, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Russia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States. However, passengers from these countries can transit in KLIA within only 24 hours maximum.

What Should I Do After I Travel?

Your travels will put yourself in a risk of COVID-19 infection, whether domestic or international. There are cases of asymptomatic state, where an individual may feel well but is already infected with the virus. They can be contagious and infect others, especially their companions during the trip. You may put the people around you at risk for 14 days after your infection of the virus. Consider these measures to keep you safe from the virus during your trip:

  • Observe six feet distance from anyone outside your household. It is imperative to follow this measure both inside and outside your house.
  • Always wear a hospital-grade mask to cover your nose and mouth. This practice helps prevent the spread of viruses when you are outside of your house.
  • Wash your hands all the time with soap and water, or use a hand sanitizer.
  • Always check yourself for any symptoms of COVID-19. Take your temperature if you feel ill.
  • Check the CDC’s webpage. Read their after travel advice to know if you need to take extra measures from your travel.

Note: This Malaysia coronavirus update was first published in October 2020 and has been updated to include the latest developments.

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